Laser Tattoo Removal

  • New advancements in laser technology now make it possible to remove all traces of most tattoos. At Les Cours Medical Centre we have the cutting-edge technology, a fully accredited medical facility and highly trained nurses with extensive experience to deliver a safe, effective and quick tattoo removal. Removing a tattoo is a big decision and your comfort and confidence is essential every step of the way. You’ll know you are in the right hands as soon as you step into our comprehensive, immaculate facilities.
  • Results in half the time.
  • Using our leading edge PicoSure technology, we can reduce the number of tattoo removal treatments by 50%. That’s half the number of treatments compared to traditional laser removal. Professional tattoo removal in half the time! At Les Cours Medical Centre many tattoos are removed in as few as 3 sessions; most tattoos require between 4 and 6 sessions.  Sessions are scheduled 6 to 8 weeks apart.
  • Description of technology
  • The science behind the PicoSure tattoo removal laser is nothing short of magic. The PicoSure laser targets the tattoo’s pigment colours under the skin. It transmits an incredibly short pressure wave which decomposes the tattoo pigments into the tiniest particles.  The body then absorbs and eliminates the miniscule pigment fragments.
  • Reduced discomfort while removing regret
  • The top concern for people seeking tattoo removal is pain. Maybe you’ve seen videos on the internet or heard a friend describe a nightmarish experience. Those stories were the norm a very few years ago.  Welcome to the present and the PicoSure laser.  Tattoo removal, done properly, will not leave a scar or be unbearably painful.  Most treatments last only a very few minutes.
  • Our prescription-strength numbing cream is the same used by doctors and hospitals, and our advanced skin chillers (capable of cooling and numbing small areas of your skin before, during and after the PicoSure laser treatment) work to lessen any pain and discomfort. Add to that the considerably fewer treatments that are required with the PicoSure laser and the shorter time required for each treatment and it’s very clear – the Les Cours experience is a choice you can feel good about.
  • Summary of the treatment
  • Tatoo-pic
  • Your big change starts with a very quick, very free, consult with one of our tattoo removal experts. We will carefully examine your tattoo, determine your skin type, discuss any past issues you may have had and a few other facts needed to help make the best decision for you and your future. No cost. No obligation. Just a clear picture of what it’s going to take to reclaim your skin and your future.

We will tell you the number of treatments you’ll need and advise you if we can remove your tattoo completely. If we do not believe that it can be completely removed, we will let you know what to expect. We want you to make your decision based on the real facts.